Tower of Light

Around The Theater
Inside the show chambers, three-dimensional animated figures and special audio-visual effects and songs illustrate the wonders of electric power and light. The scenes include a research laboratory of hashing lights, whirling turbines and sparking coils; a "beauty parlor" in which an animated "Madame Cow" extols the pleasures of warm electric milkers on icy winter mornings; a house filled with modern electric appliances; a barrage of 4th of July fireworks; and a dazzling Christmas sequence.

The Source Of Light
In the center of the pavilion, visitors may examine the 12 one-billion- candlepower searchlights--equal to 340,000 automobile headlights--that create the central beam, which points straight up and is visible for miles around.

Electrical Climate Control
Behind a double-glass window in a special chamber near the exit is a frosty, iridescent cave; in the cave figures of a cheerful penguin, a lovesick polar bear and a siren-like mermaid act out the advantages of modern air-conditioning.