Mormon Church

The Pavilion
A White cloud, visible for a great distance, hovers around three towers--replicas of the east towers of Salt Lake City's famed Mormon Temple. It is illuminated by colored lights at sunset. A gilded statue of the angel Moroni is placed atop the center spire. A reflecting pool stands in front of the building.

The Gardens
Mormons from all over the world have contributed flowers and shrubs to provide five complete changes of blooming plants from spring to fall. Small circular pools, with water running over pebbles. are shaded by willows and tall poplars. There are benches on which fairgoers may rest.

The Movies
Two 135-seat theaters Operate alternately with a 15-minute film on Mormon history.

The Art
A nine-ton replica of Bertel Thorvaldsen's famous statue, The Christus. stands in one wing. Two 110-foot murals tell the story of Christ and of The Latter-day Saints. In addition, other works of art are located about the pavilion.