General Electric

Carousel Theater
In the first part of the program, separate auditoriums, each holding 250 people, circle into position and are carried past stages on which life-sized, three-dimensional, animated human figures move, talk, laugh and act out the story of electricity in the home from the Gay '90s to the present:

  • A late 19th Century home is shown. Its inhabitants struggle with all the latest luxuries: telephone, gas lamps, gramophone, kitchen pump, a hand-cranked clothes washer and a hand-pumped, air-suction vacuum cleaner.
  • A home of the '20s comes next, with coffeemakers and sewing machines, "monitor"-topped refrigerators and a homemade cooling device for hot weather: an electric fan that circulates air over a cake of ice.
  • The '40s are recalled with the little, round television screen, plus some odd applications of electricity: e.g., house-wives mixing wallpaper paste with cake mixers.
  • The glories of today glitter in a living room at Christmastime, a glass- enclosed, electrically heated patio, a kitchen that all but runs itself.

The Corridor Of Mirrors
Visitors pass through a hall in which giant photos of General Electric scientists and engineers--at work on laser rays, space technology, nuclear experiments and low-temperature research--are reflected and re-reflected in mirrors.

The Sky-Dome Spectacular
By means of a dramatic new projection technique, the interior of the great dome is filled with the sights and sounds of the great natural sources of energy: fierce electrical storms, fire, a blazing sun and thousands of spinning atoms. A narrator describes man's historic search to harness energy and introduces the fusion experiment to follow.

Fusion On Earth
In the first demonstration of controlled thermonuclear fusion to be witnessed by a large general audience, a magnetic field squeezes a plasma of deuterium gas for a few millionths of a second at a temperature of 20 million degrees Fahrenheit. There is a vivid flash and a loud report as atoms collide, creating free energy (evidenced on instruments).

Electric Living
Apart from the sched uled show, a model all-electric com- munity is on display with the latest electric innovations for the home, public buildings, industry and space exploration.