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Chun King brings back memories and none of them good. That canned crap labeled chop suey and chow mein used to horrify me as a kid. It always seemed to appear at the table at bad times in my family and nothing in it, nothing at all, was identifiable as actual human food. Well into my thirties I couldn’t go into a real Chinese restaurant because I thought all Chinese food would be like canned Chun King.
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Pamphlet by Korea exhibitor Korea Trade Promotion Corp. Korea trade promotion bifold.pdf
I agree that the 70 acre Seattle World’s Fair certainly was tiny. The NYS fairgrounds cover almost 400 acres and that’s impossible to navigate each year even in several days. Century 21 appears in photos to be the “jewel box” described by its creators, but it has never struck me that the Fair was difficult to navigate due to size or number of exhibits. Nevertheless, I still can’t grasp watching a motorcycle show at any world’s fair. I’d rather do what Marty Crane once described as a Seattle Fair memory on Frasier: ride the Tilt-A-Whirl right after eating at Little Taste of India.
The BIE seems to view itself as some sort of entity as powerful as the IOC. While hosting an Olympic Games remains a high priority for many cities around the globe, the desire to host an exposition, especially in the western world, has become almost a non-existent priority. The last major category one international exposition in the western world was fifty eight years ago in Montreal. I can’t figure how or why the BIE even exists today.
Well, the blue bulbs arrived. I made a makeshift hood/housing for this photo out of cardboard. I have found a great chunk of images I thought were lost. When I did that book for the NBM what is apparently 165 years ago, I pulled what I thought were the best of each Zone and put them aside. Thank heavens! So. I will have them to select from. DuPont, Aviation, construction and much more. My favorites. And then I have another block that could be lit in orange on the left. So, there will be more phots, and details of each area so you can see everything. And a few last minute additions. Overall I am very pleased! That is not a light teak to the left it is a reflection of a vase to the right out of frame.
I haven't seen anything in the '62 fair that would last ALLLL day, but maybe I underestimate the size. The land size of the fair was a few blocks a fraction of the size of the NYWF6465, giving me the impression i could cover everything in most of the day even with all the cool features. I'd probably would use this stunt show as a way to chill for a bit with my kids and have some "that's cool to watch!!" moments.
I never quite understand world’s fair photographs like this one. I understand the concept of “ to each his own,” but give me a break. You go to a once in a lifetime world’s fair, even a small one, but the grandstand is packed with people watching a stunt motorcycle show? This is the type of Joey Chitwood carnival schlock one can catch at any county fair on the continent virtually year round. I’ve got cousins just slightly older than I and they went to the 1965 NYWF. Their fondest memory? The log flume ride.